Integration of NICE Trading Recording Solution and IBM Cloud Object Storage allows secure storage of growing volumes of communications required for compliance with MiFID II(more…)

Month: June 2018
These Emerging Technologies Are Taking Hold Across APAC
Emerging technology is top of mind across APAC, where digital leaders are strategizing about how to optimize their operations and enhance customer experiences. Speaking at(more…)
The Top 10 Emerging Technologies in Contact Centres
Here our panel of experts note their favourite up-and-coming technologies that can really benefit contact centre operations. 1. Robotic Process Automation How does Robotic Process(more…)
Out Loud: The Future of Voice with Red Box Recorders
In this episode we look at the importance of voice within communication and collaboration by Patrick Watson Omnichannel communication is one of the hottest trends within(more…)
Can You Fool Voice Biometrics?
Contact Center Risk & Compliance | Contact Center Technologies |Customer Experience Lior Artzi, Director of Product management, Multi-Channel Recording & Real-Time Authentication, NICE May 30th, 2018 There(more…)