Quantify Recording Suite
The latest version of the Red Box Quantify Recording Suite gives you access to a complete set of voice recording and call recording software applications. All Red Box audio recording software is just that: software-only. You don’t need additional hardware, it’s possible to add features as you require them and the applications scale effortlessly with business growth.
Connectivity is built in: Quantify Recording Suite offers full audio and data integration with leading switches, so you can find the calls you need.
Easy yet powerful voice recording software
Quantify Recording Suite’s intuitive web-based interface lets you do so much from the start, with minimal training. It’s designed around your workflow and never dictates how you should work.
Integral to Quantify Recording Suite is simultaneous search and replay. Authorised users can add notes or tags to any call in the voice recorder database, which can be used later as search and replay criteria.
Quantify Recording Suite also enables you to combine all calls per user from different devices: for example, a police officer may have a phone and radio; financial dealers may use landlines, mobile phones, Hoot ‘n’ Holler trading turrets and dealerboards. With Quantify Recording Suite, you can replay them simultaneously.
Who is it for?
Quantify Recording Suite is ideal for a wide range of sectors:
- Public safety: mission-critical recording for emergency services, transportation and air traffic control
- Contact centres: call handling interaction analysis to improve processes and training
- Government and military: specialist security monitoring and surveillance
- Financial trading: regulation and compliance for communication
Wherever recording matters
Red Box have solutions for:
A single, tailored solution
With Red Box Quantify you select the features that work for your organisation
- Record voice and data with Quantify Search and Replay
- Relates voice and action with Quantify Screen Recording
- Employ Quantify AudioSearch to search calls for use of specified words and phrases
- Reconstruct trades accurately with Quantify Event Reconstruct
- Call on Quantify CallSafe to lock calls needed for litigation hold
- Intelligently track telephone channels with Quantify Call Management
- Avoid disaster with deployment of Secondary recorders with automated failover